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Data Lake

We will use an object storage as the data lake. This will enable us to have both structured and unstructured data. In addition to this, object storage is cheaper compared to the other storage solutions.

On local deployment, we will use Minio and delpoy it on docker. We will start with a single-node deployment then when we advance, we will also explore a multi-node deployment.

Deploying Minio

Step 1: Install Docker and Docker Compose

Install docker desktop following instructions on this link To confirm docker is installed, run docker --version To confirm docker-compose is installed, run docker-compose --version

Step 2: Create docker-compose.yml file

For this project, we will use one docker-compose.yml file for all services.

Step 3: Add Minio Service to docker-compose.yml file

A sample of the service details is in the docker-compose.yml file. The enviornment variables are stored in the .env file. You can find a template in .env.template. Make sure to change the variable details.

Step 4: Run docker-compose

Run docker-compose up -d

Step 5: Access Minio Server

To access the webserver, use ( The username is the value used for MINIO_ROOT_USER and Passowrd the value used for MINI_ROOT_PASSWORD

When you login, you should see this page: Minio HomePage

Step 6: Create Bucket

The data that will be ingested will be stored in this bucket. The user to be created will be assigned policies that will be specific to this bucket.

Step 7: Create User

This user will be used by applications to insert data to minio. This is more secure that using the Root User. In the navigation bar identity -> User

Step 8: Create Policy

We will create a policy that the user will be assigned. We would like the user to be able to add, delete and retrieve objects in the bucket. This is a sample of a policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Step 9: Assign User the policy

Under the identity -> User, select the user that you have created. Under policies, there is a button named Assign Policies. Click on it and the policy that you created will be listed. Select it and save.

User Policy

Step 10: Create Access Key for the User created

Still under User, you will see service account. Click on it and you will see access key and password generated. Copy them and save them somewhere safe since you will you it later.

Now Minio is ready to receive data.